How to use 6/5 Coordinator Pattern, PureLayout, & V2 Appointments Navigation & Architecture

Coordinator Pattern

(presented by @Austin Betzer)

The pros of introducing the coordinator pattern within the app.

  • It removes the responsibility of navigation from the UIViewController to a new class known as the
  • Makes A/B testing easier to produce and maintain.


Part 1: How to use the coordinator pattern in iOS apps

Part 2: Advanced coordinators in iOS


(presented by @Austin Betzer)

The pros and cons of building UI programmatically vs using xib/storyboards. Presenting a potential framework that could be adopted making it even easier to use.

GitHub - PureLayout/PureLayout: The ultimate API for iOS & OS X Auto Layout — impressively simple, immensely powerful. Objective-C and Swift compatible.


  • Components & code can become the most reusable
  • You can take advantage of subclassing, unlike the limitations that are introduced by storyboards
  • Managing animations becomes easier, you no longer have to create outlets for constraints.
  • You can create explicit initializers, vs. having to use property injection
  • The framework is commonly used and supported by the community
  • Easier to manage merge conflicts


  • There is a slight learning curve if you are unfamiliar with using programmatic constraints
  • It’s far less visual, you might find yourself navigating through a few flows before finding the UI you need to modify.
  • You can end up with a lot of UI code in your view

Proposed Navigation Structure

(presented by @Austin Betzer)

Today all the code that controls which view is presented is handled by the AppointmentDetailsVC. This view uses a UIContainerView and hides the subview based on what segmented control is displayed.

We propose to use a UIPageViewController, a UIController that Apple provides to do this exact thing. You no longer have to handle displaying views at the correct time and memory management.

The merge request can be found here,

For free consultation on Coordinator Pattern, PureLayout, & V2 Appointments Navigation & Architecture, click here.

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