Key Features to Look at When You Purchase Your Field Service Software

The task of managing the team of technicians who rarely report to the office is one of the cumbersome tasks for most of the field service providers. As a field service provider, you may still depend on the outdated and outmoded manual methods to track the workforce and allocate the work among the workforce, which is somewhat an error-prone and challenging task to do.

On top of all these works that the field service provider manages, the field technicians also need to answer the emergency calls that need to be prioritized over all other works. Sometimes, the need for on-the-spot schedule changes may arise. If all these works are not handled and managed correctly, it may lead to low efficiency, poor customer service, and increased idle technician time.

Therefore, the field service providers must, for sure, enter the world of Field Service Software that will help them in managing all the related tasks with ease. All the field service softwaresperform excellently in executing the work of field service providers. As there are many options available, one must always go for the best depending upon the software's features, capabilities, and considerations.

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Therefore, below is the list of features to look for when purchasing your field service software:

  • Intelligent Routing: The Field Service Software must have an intelligent and smart routing system that will be beneficial for the field service providers and your business. Intelligent routing is a technology that the contact centers will use to gather the customer inquires through digital, voice, or social channels, which will then apply rules to route it to the person who is best suited to resolve the issue. The routing tools of the software must be developed in such a way that it saves the time of your sales and technicians team effectively. An intelligent routing feature will impact the number of customers you will serve each day, which will affect your revenue.
  • Insightful Reporting: A right Field Service Software must possess the feature of insightful reporting. Your Field Service Software must have built-in reports for each and every level of your business or industry. These built-in reports of the Field Service Software must be customizable enough that can easily be customized as per your need and requirement. It will allow you to manage your work effectively and efficiently with ease. Not all the Field Service Software's have this feature; therefore, you must always check that whether the Field Service Software you are planning to purchase has insightful reporting features or not.
  • Sales and Technician application: A right Field Service Software must have an application for sales and technicians. An Android and iOS mobile application must be available for both sales and technicians for their convenience. The mobile app will help them in the way that they can report the completion of their work through the mobile application after completing and performing their daily tasks and works. The mobile application must also have the feature by which the corporate office and the branches can access the application's data from their central dashboard.
  • Automated Recruitment: One of the best features that Field Service Software must possess is the feature of automated recruitment. If your Field Service Software will have the feature of automated recruitment, then it will make the most tedious and challenging task of your business, a much easier one. Routespro, with hellosign, has automated the online contract sign and report trail. Through this feature of Routespro, the candidates can be moved to the employee's pool inside the tool, and these recruitment insights can easily be seen from the smart dashboard.
  • Powerful Customer Relationship Management (CRM): The Field Service Software that you will choose must have the Powerful & Strong CRM feature. The software must have the ability to hold the information related to payment, contracts, customer data, branch managers, top management, sales team, technicians, and data all combined and stored together in one place. Along with all this, the Field Service Software must possess the ability to send essential and crucial events via reminders and notifications.
  • Multiple Offices: Many of the Field Service Software that is available may not be providing you with the multiple office services that are one of the most important features that you must look for running your business smoothly. But Routespro comes with the feature that will surely help you in all your operational related tasks. Every dynamic branch of Routespro independently manages all your functional requirements with a headquarter managing all its branches from a central location.
  • Real-time Tracking and Communication: Your Field Service Software must have the ability of real-time tracking and communication that will, for sure, bring efficiency and effectiveness in your work. The Field Service Software must have a mobile app that is able to track the technicians and the workforce in real-time. The software's app must also have a feature of real-time communication as well to support the ability to send messages and photos to the branch managers or leads to show the proof of work.
  • Employee Training: Last but not least, your Field Service Software must also have a fantastic employee training feature. With this feature, you can quickly help your employees in getting trained like professionals through training materials. The feature of employee training is not available in all the Field Service Software's out there, but Routespro has this amazing feature with an integrated training module. Through this feature, the field service software of Routespro allows the corporate and the branch offices to upload and assign training materials to their employee, which employees can easily view through web access or mobile apps for getting trained like professionals.


All these were the list of features that you should always consider while selecting your business's best Field Service Software. Among the entire category of field service software available, Routespro has all these features that make it the best and the smart solution for your business. With all the amazing features Routespro has, you can easily manage your sales, technicians, and customers with a straightforward solution.

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